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LoT: Dominion

"You are a monarch, like your parents before you, a ruler of a small pleasant kingdom of rivers and evergreens. Unlike your parents, however, you have hopes and dreams! You want a bigger and more pleasant kingdom, with more rivers and a wider variety of trees. You want a Dominion! In all directions lie fiefs, freeholds, and feodums. All are small bits of land, controlled by petty lords and verging on anarchy. You will bring civilization to these people, uniting them under your banner. But wait! It must be something in the air; several other monarchs have had the exact same idea. You must race to get as much of the unclaimed land as possible, fending them off along the way. To do this you will hire minions, construct buildings, spruce up your castle, and fill the coffers of your treasury. Your parents wouldn't be proud, but your grandparents, on your mother's side, would be delighted."


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Library of Things Kick-Off

Some of you may be wondering about the new sign in the library lobby. We are excited to announce a new, highly-requested library collection! With generous funding from the Dr. James Elrod fund at the Hendricks County Community Foundation (HCCF), the library has purchased materials for a “Library of Things”.
The Library of Things is a collection of items that are unconventional to libraries but may be of use to the community. This collection will include kitchen appliances, tools, crafting supplies, outdoor games, board games, and a wide array of other items. These items are loanable to the community just like any other library material.
We invite you to celebrate this addition with us at a Library of Things kick-off event. We will preview the items in the collection, as well as provide refreshments and outdoor games. In accordance with local health and safety guidelines, we will host this event in the library parking lot, follow social distancing recommendations, and games will be sanitized after each use.
We hope you will join us as we kick-off this new library collection!

Website Event: https://pcpl21.org/programs/library-of-things-kick-off/

Facebook Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/622550408620692/…

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