The Imagination Portal is a fun place for children and their caregivers to play and learn together. Nurture your child’s curiosity and creativity with Library collections and activities. There’s so much to do and explore in the Imagination Portal including a train table, board games, a play kitchen, computer stations, and more! We offer ongoing programs for children of all ages, from birth-12. Check out our event calendar for details on storytimes, and a variety of other programs for kids.
The Imagination Portal’s collection includes board books, early readers, juvenile fiction, juvenile nonfiction, audiobooks, DVDs, CDs, and video games.
The library supports educators by providing resources such as Teacher Cards and Educator Kits.
Librarians at Putnam County Public Library are trained in a national early literacy intiative, Every Child Ready to Read @ your Library,
Need homework help? Check out these FREE resources that may help.
Find what you need quickly by learning where materials are located in the library.
Don't know what to read next? No problem! Fill out the form and a librarian will contact you with a custom reading recommendation list.
From Summer to Winter, we have programs to keep you reading all year long.
These lists are provided by our librarians. Find books by subject, interest and more!